Welcome to the Langley Chapter of NEHS!
Gelast Sceal Mid Are
- Duty goes with Honor -
Our motto, in one of the earliest forms of the English language, affirms and celebrates our obligation to use our gifts in service to others. In its grammatical structure, "duty" precedes "honor", representing our commitment to service and esteem.
Founded in 2006, the Langley High School chapter of National English Honor Society honors outstanding English students and enhances student growth through service opportunities. With over 100 members in our chapter, students that are a part of NEHS use their talents to shape a better world through an assortment of activities hosted both at our school and in the community.
With our strong emphasis on service, members of Langley NEHS proudly follow the National English Honor Society's motto, "gelast sceal mid are," meaning, "duty goes with honor." Throughout the years, leaders of the NEHS and members made a difference by planning and participating in several activities to help give back to the community.
Our activities include Adopt a Grandparent, which helps seniors and allows us to connect different generations in our community, and Pen Pals Around the World, which allows us to connect with various schools in countries such as Ukraine, China, Turkey, and France.
Not only are members dedicated to service, but the members of the Langley High School chapter of NEHS also accept the responsibility of sharing the best of language and literature with others.
Langley NEHS also hosted events in school that helped members stay active and connected with other individuals who share their passion for language and literature. Langley NEHS members also participate in NEHS Scholarship competitions, now having won National recognition three years in a row.
Regardless of the changes that took place these past two years due to COVID-19, the Langley chapter of NEHS is dedicated to serving the community and making a difference.